Kindermusik With Notable Kids

Inspiring a Lifetime of Potential... Offering the best Music & Movement classes for babies, toddlers, & preschoolers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

IMAGINE THAT! Cities Week 8

Whew! Nothing to bring this week!

A new complex game is introduced into this week's activity There’s a Little Bell. In this activity, they must think about several different things all at one time: walking around a circle of hoops to a cue, sitting in a hoop at the end of the cue, picking up and playing an instrument while singing a song, placing the instrument on the floor, and starting the entire sequence over again. A complex activity such as this is most successful when set up by breaking it into parts and rehearsing the parts separately. By doing this, the children are able to grasp each concept introduced. We will continue to enjoy this activity for a couple more weeks, and I know that with each repetition the children will more readily recognize the pattern and begin to gain confidence and satisfaction through their continued success.



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