Kindermusik With Notable Kids

Inspiring a Lifetime of Potential... Offering the best Music & Movement classes for babies, toddlers, & preschoolers.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

IMAGINE THAT! Cities Week 1

I hope you and your child left the first class of Cities! Busy Places ~ Friendly Faces as energized as I! The combination of singing, movement, instrument play, and pretend play is certainly a hit. The classroom was a busy place as they visited the pretend city—full of sights, sounds, and fun experiences.

You have taken home with you this week an array of interesting materials. I know your child will be eager to play with the new Game Board Set. For information on the Game Board, first read Family Activity #1 on page 4 of the Family Activity Book. Feel free to play any or all of the games listed. However, you might find that Picture, Picture! will help familiarize your child with the theme of this semester’s unit; it also offers the opportunity to play your new instruments, a pair of Kindermusik Resonator Bars.

Enjoy listening to your Home CDs and Sarah will see you in class next week!

P.S. Be sure to have your child bring their Kindermusik Resonator Bars and Mallets to class next time. Please label both the bars and mallets for easy identification in the classroom.



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