Our Time Milk & Cookies Week 8
Pretend Play: The child participating in pretend play may begin with pure imitation. This imitation may evolve into imaginative play and eventually develop into more complex play through the adaptation (adding and changing) of an activity. All levels of participation provide ample opportunities for development of language skills, expressive communication skills, recognition of reality vs. fantasy, and social skills.
The Connection of Emotion and Learning: Labeling actions (such as stirring, around we go, etc.) and performing them simultaneously is central to the child’s discovery of meaning and context. Engaging in the actions in a happy environment and with caring people heightens the learning possibilities. “Emotion and learning are so connected in these early years that children are most delighted when they learn with a person to whom they are emotionally related.” (Me, Myself, & I, Kyle D. Pruett, M.D.)
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