Kindermusik With Notable Kids

Inspiring a Lifetime of Potential... Offering the best Music & Movement classes for babies, toddlers, & preschoolers.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Village: Dream Pillow Week 6


Together in Unison & in Harmony: Music sometimes has one voice, as in a song sung by one person or sung in unison by a group. Other times, as in a symphony, there are many groups of musical “voices”, each distinct, but all complementary to the others. And sometimes music has just one, two, or three voices. In lessons 6 & 7, we draw attention to the experience of unison singing and speaking and contrast this with the experience of two- and three-part ensembles.

Physical Benefits of Intentional Touch: In addition to facilitating emotional bonding, intentional touch has many physical benefits. It stimulates, strengthens, and regulates internal organs and promotes nerve myelination, making for better mind-body communication. For babies who spend any extended time in a baby carrier, massage on the back aids the developing posture as well.

Baby’s Outlook on Life: “All the small exchanges between parent and child have an emotional subtext, and in the repletion of these messages over the years children form the core of their emotional outlook and capabilities.” Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman.

Hear, Feel, and See the Beat: Rocking your baby while singing “O How Lovely is the Evening” to her gives your baby a whole-body steady beat experience: she hears the beat, feels the beat, and see the beat as you rock together.

Taking Turns Talking: Your baby learns the art of conversation from the adults in her life. When speaking to your baby, leave time for her response, then imitate the response. Imitation sets the foundation for learning language.



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